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Common Boiler Issues And How To Troubleshoot Them!

Aug 16

There’s no denying it: owning a home with a boiler is an expensive and inconvenient way to heat your home. If you’re reading this, you most likely already know this. After all, not many people choose to live in homes that rely on such a high-maintenance system just for the purposes of heating their abodes. That being said, your boiler will need regular upkeep so it can operate at peak efficiency and reduce or eliminate the high number of issues that are bound to arise over time. If you’re wondering what kind of issues your boiler is most likely going to encounter over time, we’ve got some answers for you! In this article, we will explore some of the most common issues that plague boilers, as well as strategies for how to troubleshoot these problems and get your boiler back in working order again before they get worse!

Not Enough Ventilation

If your boiler is not receiving sufficient ventilation, it will be unable to generate enough heat for your home. This is because the heating system relies on outside air to help provide the necessary heat.

Not Enough Water Pressure To The Boiler

The most common issue experienced by boilers is the lack of water pressure getting to the boiler. If your boiler isn’t getting enough water, it can cause a number of problems, including:

  • Reduced efficiency
  • No heat
  • Reduced heating
  • Boiler failures
  • No hot water

To prevent these issues, you’ll need to make sure your water pressure is sufficient and that your boiler doesn’t have any leaks. To do this, you can use a simple toilet plunger to pressurize the system. If you don’t know how to perform this process properly, we recommend calling in an expert for some help. You could also put a bucket underneath the spigot and take off one of the handle/valves so that excess water can be pumped out easily.

Lack Of Flue Ducting For Exhaust Ventilation

This is by far the most common issue that arises when owning a boiler. With so many homes in the world being heated with a boiler, it’s easy to see why this can become such a widespread problem. The most common cause of this issue is due to lack of flue ducting for exhaust ventilation. Simply put, the lack of flue ducting causes your boiler to not be able to expel heat properly and results in a less efficient system overall. There are a few ways you can tackle this issue! One strategy is to use materials like foil if you have a blower door installed. If you don’t, simply close your windows and doors and use the fan closest to your boiler as an exhaust vent intake point. This should alleviate some of the pressure on your boiler and help it run more efficiently!

Overloaded High-Pressure Tank Safety Valve

If your boiler's pressure tank reaches its maximum capacity, it will automatically shut down the heating system. This is a safety feature that protects your home in case of an emergency. If you notice your boiler suddenly shutting off when the tank reaches capacity, it may be due to an overloaded high-pressure tank safety valve. To troubleshoot this issue, first check for any leaks around your radiator; make sure there are no holes or cracks in the radiator where water could be entering. If leaks are present, re-seal them immediately. Next, inspect to make sure the outlet from your boiler is plugged properly into the house's supply pipe. If it isn't sealed properly and water is leaking into your house's supply pipe, you'll have to re-route the pipe and then replace the connector fitting that was damaged.

Too Much Evaporative Demand Control Device (EDC) Operation

If you’re experiencing an issue where your boiler is turning on too often, you might want to take a look at the EDC operation. If the EDC is set too high, it will cause your boiler to turn on more often and consume more energy. This can be fixed by reducing the amount of time spent in the EDC mode. Another common issue with the EDC is that it’s not properly calibrated, which may cause it to have a higher or lower temperature than desired. If this happens, you should contact your installer or call a professional for assistance with getting this resolved before it becomes a bigger problem!

Coil Vent Is Blocked Or Defective

This is one of the most common issues that plagues boilers. If your boiler has a coil vent, this is an exhaust pipe that helps to keep your home as comfortable as possible while keeping it safe and efficient. However, if the coil vent is blocked or defective in some way, then you could be experiencing one of two problems: The first problem would be a lack of heat. This could be due to a clogged coil vent that prevents the gas from properly exiting the system. The second issue would be that the gas may not have been able to properly exit your heating system, which could lead to improper air flow and low efficiency.

Noisy Or Faulty Pumping Unit

If your boiler is struggling to pump water through its system, this likely indicates that the pump needs some attention. One of the most common reasons for these issues is lack of maintenance or problems with the pump's suction. In cases like this, you might need to replace or clean out your boiler's filter. Another big culprit could be a clogged up sump pit. In this scenario, you will need to clean out the pit and make sure that it is drained all the way before you start pumping again.

Banging Or Pinging Noise From The Noisesensor Network At Bottom Of Tank

One of the most common issues that many boilers encounter is banging or pinging noise from the noisemaker network. This is a sound that is heard when water and steam are moving through the system at a fast rate. A noise sensor on the bottom of your boiler tank is responsible for detecting this noise, which can be caused by either too much or too little water in the boiler tank. Although not as common, other common problems include noisy or inconsistent hot-water flow, noisy or inconsistent cold-water flow, and difficulties with circulating water through the heating coil. If you're experiencing any of these issues, it's important to keep in mind that they are all symptoms of a larger issue: an inability to circulate water throughout your system. So if you're having trouble circulating water through your heating coil, it may be due to a clogged pipe or a faulty valve. If this is occurring regularly, it could also be due to a bad thermocouple (a component in the heating control unit). In order to fix these issues, you will need to replace key components like thermocouples and bearings.


When it comes to your boiler, there's no room for mistakes. The most common boiler issues can cause huge problems for your home. But with a little know-how on how to troubleshoot, you're in good hands. The following are some of the most common boiler issues, and how to troubleshoot them:

  1. Not Enough Ventilation
  2. Too Much Evaporative Demand Control Device (EDC) Operation
  3. Lack of Flue Ducting for Exhaust Ventilation
  4. Not Enough Water Pressure to the Boiler
  5. Noisy Or Faulty Pumping Unit
  6. Banging Or Pinging Noise From The Noisesensor Network At Bottom Of Tank